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The Mammals of Costa Rica: A Natural History and Field Guide - de Mark Wainwright (Author)
Details The Mammals of Costa Rica: A Natural History and Field Guide
Le tableau suivant contient des informations générales concernant The Mammals of Costa Rica: A Natural History and Field Guide
Le Titre Du Livre | The Mammals of Costa Rica: A Natural History and Field Guide |
Date de Parution | 2007-06-26 |
Traducteur | Sahibjeet Ewen |
Chiffre de Pages | 275 Pages |
Taille du fichier | 74.37 MB |
Langage | Français & Anglais |
Éditeur | Bungeishunju |
ISBN-10 | 0510236626-VIH |
Format de eBook | ePub AMZ PDF iBook STW |
Auteur | Mark Wainwright |
Digital ISBN | 995-5228363905-CXJ |
Nom de Fichier | The-Mammals-of-Costa-Rica-A-Natural-History-and-Field-Guide.pdf |
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comprehensive guide to the mammal species of costa rica one of the most important countries for conservation in the americas today this book goes beyond the realm of normal field guides providing detailed scientific information as well as the conservation status of particular species natural history of costa rican mammals is an excellent reference for serious naturalists tour guides educators
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